“The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires.”
William Arthur Ward
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Evaluation is a process of assessing, measuring the educational system. The child is supposed to acquire objectives like knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes through classroom learning. Number of changes occurred in his behavior through learning in the school.
Evaluation is a global process to assess all changes of physical growth and development, behavioral and academic achievements. Thus, evaluation is the process of assessing the attainment of the pre-determined objectives of the teaching-learning process. So, educational evaluation can be considered as the process of determining the following aspects.
(i) The extent how educational objectives are being achieved.
(ii) The effectiveness of the teaching-learning experiences provided in the classroom situation
There is direct relationship among four important factors of the educational system like objective, curriculum, method and evaluation. As Indian Education Commission (1964-66) has remarked, "It is now agreed that evaluation is a continuous process, forms an integral part of the total system of education and is intimately related to educational objectives, it exercises a great influence on pupil's study habits and the teacher's method of instruction and this helps not only to measure educational achievement but also to improve it."
Characteristics of Evaluation:
(1) Evaluation is a comprehensive process:
Evaluation is a global process it assess all aspects of child's development. There are different techniques which, are used by the teachers to evaluate the performance of the child.
(2) Evaluation is a continuous process:
Evaluation is a continuous process as education. It is not examination but examination is a part of evaluation process. There is no fixed time limit for the completion of evaluation work. But it is a continuous process.
Functions of Evaluation:
Evaluation does not end with the summarization of results. It has direct bearing on the improvement of the system as a whole. The functions of evaluation are:
1. Evaluation provides feed back to the pupils to know their own strengths and weaknesses.
2. It creates a motivational effect on pupils and motivates them towards better attainment and growth.
3. It encourages in building good study habits.
4. Evaluation helps teacher in guiding the growth of pupils.
6. It helps the teacher in planning, organizing and implementing learning activities.
7. It provides basis for revision of curriculum.
8. It helps in inter-institutional comparison.
9. It helps the administrator in educational decision making, relating to selection, classification, placement, promotion etc.
10. It helps in assigning marks and reporting pupil's progress to their parents.
Types of Evaluation procedure:
Evaluation may be classified on the basis of the sequence in which different procedures are used. Different types of evaluation procedures involve different ways and techniques. There are four evaluation procedure:
1. Placement Evaluation.
2. Formative Evaluation
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
4. Summative Evaluation
Evaluation Devices:
A good evaluation device is one which is securing valid evidence regarding the desired change of behavior. A teacher needs to know the various devices that are helpful in gathering evidence on the changes taking place in pupil.
(1) Written Examination:
It is otherwise known as paper pencil tests. These are commonly used in school. Where, answers are to be written as per the instruction of question.
(2) Oral Examination:
These types of examination or tests are conducted for supplementing to written examination. Test of reading ability, pronunciation etc. where there is nothing to write.
(3) Practical Examination:
These tests are necessary to test experimental and manipulative skills of learner particularly in subjects like Science, Technology, Agriculture, Craft and Music.
(4) Observation:
Observation is used to evaluate overt behavior of pupil in controlled and uncontrolled situations. It is purposive, systematic and carefully viewing/observing behavior and recording it.
(5) Interviews:
Interview is some times superior to other device. It is because of the fact that pupil's are usually more willing to talk than write.
(6) Questionnaire:
Questionnaire is a systematic compilation of questions that are submitted to the pupils from whom information is desired.
(7) Check-list:
A check-list is an instrument that is used for collecting and recording evidence regarding significant behavioral tendencies of the pupils or specific problems they present in the classroom.
(8) Rating Scale:
Rating is a term applied to expression of opinion or judgment regarding some situation, object or character. Rating scale is a device by which judgments can be quantified.
(9) Records:
Anecdotal records, cumulative record cards and dairies of pupils are some other devices used in evaluation process to know detail about child's behavior.
Evaluation is an important aspect of entire education system. In absence of evaluation our mission to provide good education can not be achieved. Evaluation is an indispensible part of the human activities. Teachers are to be careful and sincere to evaluate child's behavior and educational process as a whole for the success of the teaching learning activities.

  1. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation is intended to provide a holistic profile of the learner through assessment of both scholastic and non-scholastic aspects of education spread over the total span of instructional time in schools.
  2. It helps to identify those positive attributes of the learner which
    are not usually assessed during the examinations conducted by the Board
  3. As it is spread over a period of two years in class IX and X it provides
    several opportunities for  the  school to identify the latent talents of 
    the learners in different contexts.
  4. This document is supportive to the statement of marks issued by the 
    Board after the examinations conducted by it.
  5. This document is issued by the school under the directions of the board. 
          THE GRADING   
The several attitudes/traits/competencies/skills of learners are identified by the school on a five point scale. Each grade of the scale refers to the following level of performance.
                GRADE                   LEVEL OF PERFORMANCE              
                    A                                       Excellent                     
                    B                                       Very Good           
                    C                                       Good               
                    E                                      Below Average